Our testing services provide scientific evaluations and assessments of your personality type, psychological adaptive conditions, aptitudes, capabilities and potentials. These tests can give you a more objective self-understanding and help you achieve growth and overcome psychological problems.
How to Apply
To apply in person |
Visit the Counseling and Career Development Center in the Dam Hun Silhak Building Room 904, and complete the Testing Application Form. |
To apply by phone |
Call 041-640-8599 to apply. |
To apply through the Awoonuri portal |
Log into your Awoonuri account to apply. |
To apply via e-mail |
Send your application to counsel@koreatech.ac.kr |
Complete the testing application form → complete the test (for the duration required for the test you selected) → communicate with the interpretive counselor → meet with the counselor for an interpretive counseling session (1 session, 50 minutes)
Hours of Availability
Monday~ Friday 9AM~ 6PM