Our testing services provide scientific evaluations and assessments of your personality type, psychological adaptive conditions, aptitudes, capabilities and potentials. These tests can give you a more objective self-understanding and help you achieve growth and overcome psychological problems.



How to Apply

To apply in person

Visit the Counseling and Career Development Center in the Dam Hun Silhak Building Room 904, and complete the Testing Application Form.

To apply by phone

Call 041-640-8599 to apply.

To apply through the Awoonuri portal

Log into your Awoonuri account to apply.

To apply via e-mail

Send your application to counsel@koreatech.ac.kr


Complete the testing application form → complete the test (for the duration required for the test you selected) → communicate with the interpretive counselor → meet with the counselor for an interpretive counseling session (1 session, 50 minutes)

Hours of Availability

Monday~ Friday 9AM~ 6PM